EFU 2024/25 pre-season has started, we are training, organizing friendly matches to prepare for league games and showcase events
We are seeking 1-2 position-specific players for U12, U14, U16, and U17 age groups who are passionate about improving and developing their skills.
Additionally, we offer a development program for students who require training to improve their motor and ball skills in a wholesome environment.
Contact us at
954-825-6990 or email efu@eastfloridaunited.com.
Please note that EFU is a play-to-play program.
Our Mission
Involve our community throughout South Florida with Faith and Leadership by empowering ownership and opportunities through the game. Teaching life-skills on and off the field, supporting private and public- school programs, professional programs and promoting health and wellness.
Our Vision
Accomplish a tactical and condensed outlook which will create a benchmark change in the community: completely fund and support the development of an " Earn to Play Grass Roots System" that increases the investment that provides an impact of results on the community of families, students, level of play and a character filled end product with integrity.